Travel services

The Docs is a yellow fever centre which means we can offer yellow fever vaccinations to registered and non-registered patients. This is the only vaccine that we can offer to non-registered patients.

Please be aware that the rest of our travel clinic is only available to patients who are fully registered at the Docs.

We need a minimum of 4 weeks’ notice in order to arrange vaccinations. This is because some vaccines take longer to work than others. Travel clinics only take place on Friday afternoons, so the availability of appointments can be limited.

Before booking an appointment with us you will need to complete a travel questionnaire.

Some vaccines are available free on the NHS and some incur a cost. Your nurse will advise you of this or you can check the price of the travel vaccinations we offer below.

If you need immunisations but are unable to get an appointment with us then you will need to visit a private travel clinic. The NHS App allows you to see what immunisations you have had in the past. This information can be printed so you can show it to the travel clinic if you wish.

Travel vaccination prices

For Registered Patients

  • Hepatitis A: Free
  • Typhoid: Free
  • Diphtheria/Tetanus/Polio: Free
  • Meningitis ACWY: £50
  • Hepatitis B (each): £35
  • Hepatitis B (course of 3 vaccinations): £105
  • Rabies (each): £55
  • Rabies (course of 3 vaccinations): £165
  • Yellow Fever: £60
  • Private Prescription for Malaria tablets: £16
  • Japanese Encephalitis (course of 2 vaccinations): £180
  • Ticovac (rapid schedule 2 doses): £55 each
  • Cholera: £55

We are pleased to be able to hold most of our prices for now.

It is possible that some prices may increase if our suppliers increase their charges, so please check that this is the latest price list before you book your appointment.

Price list last checked 16/07/20