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Complaints Procedure

If you have a complaint or concern about the service you have received at the surgery from a doctor or any other member of staff, please let us know.

We operate a complaints procedure as part of the national NHS system for dealing with complaints.

How to complain

We aim to sort out most problems easily and quickly, hopefully at the time they arise.  If your problem cannot be dealt with in this way and you wish to make a complaint, please let us know as soon as possible, as this will enable us to establish what has happened more easily.

If it is not possible to do this, please let us have details of your complaint either:

  • within 6 months of the incident or;
  • within 6 months of you discovering the problem, provided this is within 12 months of the incident

Complaints should be addressed to the Management Team and can be made via our feedback form.

Our staff will be happy to explain the complaints procedure to you, and the Management Team will ensure that your concerns are dealt with promptly.

What the surgery will do

Under normal circumstances your complaint will be acknowledged within 3 working days of receipt.

We aim to have looked into your complaint within 10 working days of you raising it with us.

At this stage we should be in a position to offer you an explanation or offer you the chance to meet the person(s) involved, should you want this.

Our aims

When investigating your complaint, we aim to:

  • Find out what happened and what went wrong
  • Make it possible for you to discuss the problem with the people involved, if you would like this
  • Ensure that you receive an apology, where this is appropriate
  • Identify what we can do to make sure the problem does not happen again

Complaining on behalf of somebody else

Please note that we are obliged to keep to rules regarding patient confidentiality.

If you are complaining on behalf of someone else, please make this clear at the outset.

We will need the patient’s signed permission to deal with the matter, unless they are incapable because of illness to do this.

Complaining to NHS England

We hope that if you have a problem with our service you will make use of our surgery complaints system.  We believe that this will give us the opportunity to improve our service and give us the chance to put matters right.

This does not affect your right to approach NHS England if you feel you cannot approach us.  In this event please contact:

For complaints about the service provided by your GP practice contact the NHS Commissioning Board, PO Box 16738, Redditch B97 9PT:

You may also wish to seek advice from the Independent Complaints Advocacy Service (ICAS). They may be contacted on 0161 214 3904.

Email service is free of charge.


If we cannot resolve your complaint

Contact the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman 0345 015 4033 or visit their website  for further advice and guidance.